Police Staffing, Scheduling and Deployment Services (720) 685-9550
Fine-Tune Geographic Boundaries
Geographical changes in workload can have drastic impacts on patrol operations. Managing those changes requires examining response boundaries on a regular basis.
As the demographic makeup of your communities evolves, demand for service can migrate to different areas. We offer district, sector, zone, and beat design services with Deploy Plus™ or as a stand-alone service to help realign boundaries. Our process balances multiple weighted variables using defensible metrics for the demand assigned to officers in each area.
For planning on new growth, adding a new division, or balancing the workload within beats, we will apply our experience to design new balanced maps. New boundaries will include an even distribution of not just the calls for service but the total time consumed by each officer.
Redistricting is an important part of our Community-Centered Plans.

Free Sample Report
Download a free sample report, and take the first step toward a demand-driven policing strategy.